HOLCIM (LIBAN) SAL is a Lebanon company, located in 6th floor, Doumit building, Highway Antélias (Metn) Lebanon. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: HOLCIM (LIBAN) SALCountry: LebanonAddress: 6th floor, Doumit building, Highway Antélias (Metn) LebanonInternational Area Code: 961Phone: 961-6-546100Fax: 961-4-522900Search Keyword: holcim distributor list, holcim liban societe ciment libanais building lebanon, holcim (liban) s.a.l. chekka, contact names email phone numbers of the board of directors of cement manufacturers labanon, societes internationales dimport et export au liban, antelias metn na lebanon, holcim lebanon- hr manager, societe libanaise des ciments blancs holcim, link antelias phone number, holcÄ°m owner of the company, cement de liban, societe des ciments libanais (sal), list sociétés import & export liban, societe generale de banque au liban tripoli, societe libanaise des ciments blancs sal liban, batroun area phone numbers, holcim beton lebanon, societe libanaise des ciments blancs sal, beton liban, holcim liban 2007, sal company type More Links HODEMA SAL HOKAYEM BROTHERS SARL HOLCIM (LIBAN) SAL HOLCIM BéTON SAL HOLCIM LIBAN SAL ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments